
1. SLB Bond Issuances and Framework

During the last years, the Republic of Chile (“Chile” or “the Republic”) has made significant efforts related to ESG topics, including different sectorial initiatives that finally resulted in the financial integration of these categories in its debt plan. Thus, in 2019 Chile issued its Green Bonds, in 2021 its Social and Sustainable bonds, and its first SLB bond in 2022. Most recently during 2023 Chile added a new gender KPI under its SLB framework.

Using this new Framework, Chile issued its first Sustainability-Linked Bond in the international markets, becoming the first country to issue a bond with these characteristics and reflecting its commitment to sustainability and its status as the leading sovereign in the ESG space.

In June 2023, the Republic of Chile decided to expand its SLB Framework by adding a new KPI related to gender equality. Until the end of 2023, Chile issued six new bonds with the gender KPI, including peso denominated bonds and an inflation-linked bond, supporting ESG practices and benchmarking also in the local market.

1.1 Context

In its initial SLB Framework published in March 2022, Chile established two KPIs with their corresponding Sustainability Performance Targets (SPTs). The KPIs are as follows:

  • KPI 1. Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions per year, measured in MtCO2eq.
  • KPI 2. Non-Conventional Renewable Energy (NCRE) Generation, as the percentage generated in the National Electric System, measured in megawatt hours (MWh).

Later, in June 2023, and considering the relevance of gender equality and social factors for the country, which were also reflected in the previous expansion of its Green Bond Framework to include social projects, a similar approach was followed in the SLB Framework, including an additional KPI. The KPI is as follows:

  • KPI 3. Women’s representation on the boards of directors at companies, measured as a percentage.

As established in the Framework:

  • Each SLB may have one or more SPT Events, each with an associated event observation date and financial implication; and
  • If any KPI has two or more different event observation dates, the financial implications may be cumulative. The amount, timing, and mechanism for payment of the financial implications are set forth in the relevant legal documentation for each specific SLB issuance.

The SPTs included in the SLB Framework were the following, for each KPI:


SPT Event

Observation Date


a) Achieve GHG emissions of 95 MtCO2e by 2030

December 31, 2030

b) Achieve a maximum of 1,100 MtCO2e between 2020 and 2030

December 31, 2030


a) Achieve 50% electric generation derived from NCRE sources by 2028

December 31, 2032

b) Achieve 60% electric generation derived from NCRE sources by 2032

December 31, 2028


Achieve 40% of women representation in board of directors at companies reported by the CMF[1] by 2031

December 31, 2031

1.2 Financial and SLB Characteristics

Chile has built a strong history related to SLB issuances. As 2023 year end amounted to a total of US$ 8,031 million of SLB bonds. A summary of the financial characteristics is presented in Table 1.

Table 1

Financial characteristics of the 2022 and 2023 SLB Bond Issuance.

SLB Issuances








Issue date

March 2,


June 27,


June 27,


June 28,


July 20,


October 20,


October 25,


Maturity date

March 7,


January 5,


January 5,


July 5,


November 1,


October 1,


October 1,


Tenor years








Total notional amount (MM)





CLP $1,750,000

CLF $24

CLP $1,750,000

Coupon rate (% a.)








Source: DMO, Ministry of Finance.

As mentioned before, in the typical SLB structure, certain financial implications are derived from SPT Events, as defined in the SLB Framework. In particular, SLB bonds include the possibility of increasing the coupon payment in case Chile does not comply with the SPT committed (the step-up). In Table 2 there are key aspects regarding the step-up selected:

Table 2

Charachteristics of the Step Up in SLB Issuances.

SLB Issues









*SPT 1a: Achieve annual GHG emissions of 95 MtCO2e by 2030

*SPT 1a: Achieve annual GHG emissions of 95 MtCO2e by 2030

*SPT 1a: Achieve annual GHG emissions of 95 MtCO2e by 2030

*SPT 1a: Achieve annual GHG emissions of 95 MtCO2e by 2030

*SPT 1a: Achieve annual GHG emissions of 95 MtCO2e by 2030

*SPT 1a: Achieve annual GHG emissions of 95 MtCO2e by 2030

*SPT 1a: Achieve annual GHG emissions of 95 MtCO2e by 2030

*SPT 1b:

A maximum of 1,100 MtCO2e between 2020 and 2030

*SPT 1b:

A maximum of 1,100 MtCO2e between 2020 and 2030

*SPT 1b:

A maximum of 1,100 MtCO2e between 2020 and 2030

*SPT 1b:

A maximum of 1,100 MtCO2e between 2020 and 2030

*SPT 1b:

A maximum of 1,100 MtCO2e between 2020 and 2030

*SPT 1b:

A maximum of 1,100 MtCO2e between 2020 and 2030

*SPT 1b:

A maximum of 1,100 MtCO2e between 2020 and 2030

*SPT 2b: Achieve 60% electricity generation derived from non-conventional renewable sources by 2032

*SPT 3:

Achieve at least 40% of women representa-tion in board of directors at companies that report to CMF by 2031

SPT 3:

Achieve at least 40% of women representa-tion in board of directors at companies that report to CMF by 2031

*SPT 3:

Achieve at least 40% of women representa-tion in board of directors at companies that report to CMF by 2031

*SPT 3:

Achieve at least 40% of women representa-tion in board of directors at companies that report to CMF by 2031

*SPT 3:

Achieve at least 40% of women representa-tion in board of directors at companies that report to CMF by 2031

*SPT 3:

Achieve at least 40% of women representa-tion in board of directors at companies that report to CMF by 2031

Source: DMO, Ministry of Finance.

1.3 Reporting commitments

In its SLB Framework, Chile committed to “publishing a report (SLB Report) annually, containing a qualitative or quantitative explanation of the main factors behind the evolution of the KPIs, as well as (when available) the progress of the KPIs established in this SLB Framework”. Both step-ups might be triggered on March 7, 2034 associated with the following targets:

By publishing this report, Chile complies with that commitment, disclosing:

  • Information regarding KPI 1, in accordance with its current NDC protocol.
  • Information regarding KPI 2, informing the participation of NCRE in the total production of the year, in accordance with data from the National Electricity Coordinator, a technical body of public law.
  • Information regarding KPI 3, informing the latest available participation of women in board of directors at companies that report to CMF.
  • Information on the mitigation policies efforts, as well as actions and policies to comply with the targets.

[1] CMF: Comisión para el mercado Financiero

2022 | Ministerio de Hacienda