
4. Governance and Calculation

a. GHG emissions: Methodology and main sources of information

GHG and precursor gas estimates for Chile’s National GHG Inventory, 1990-2020 series, were made in line with the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories[12] and own calculation books for estimation based on the same guidelines: including key category analysis, uncertainty assessment, completeness assessment and recalculations.

In addition, Chile’s National GHG Inventory has been prepared in compliance with the reporting requirements of the Convention’s Guidelines for Biennial Update Reports from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention[13] and the Guidelines for the Preparation of National Communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention[14]. In an additional effort, the country reviewed and considered, during the update process, the provisions included in the Modalities, procedures, and guidelines for the transparency framework for actions and support referred to in Article 13 of the Paris Agreement[15] (MPG). Particularly the provisions in paragraphs 17-58 were reviewed, trying to comply with these to establish possible needs in view of the delivery of the first Biennial Transparency Report.

b. Governance and Calculation of NCRE Participation

The data on NCRE and total participation in the energy matrix (energy effectively produced) is publicly available, at the website of the National Electric Coordinator (the Coordinator)[16].

These numbers are produced with the coordination of the Coordinator, with the participation of third parties, which ensures the transparency of the number. As mentioned, the internal information review process includes internal actors of the electricity market, i.e. the Coordinator, the generating companies and an external panel of experts. Each generating company reviews the information on electricity generation on a monthly basis due to the fact that the Coordinator prepares the economic balances of energy from wich the remuneration of each company is calculated.

In case of divergencies between the companies and the Coordinator, there is an independent body known as the Panel of Experts, which resolves any conflicts that may arise between actors in the sector. The Panel of Experts of the General Electricity Services Law is an autonomous collegiate body created in 2004 by Law No. 19,940, with strict and regulated jurisdiction. Its function is to resolve, through opinions with binding effect, discrepancies and conflicts that, pursuant to law, arise due to the application of the electricity and gas services legislation and that the electricity, gas services and other authorized companies submit to the panel. To assure transparency, the Panel of Experts is made up of seven professionals, five of whom must be engineers or economists, and two must be lawyers, in each case, with extensive professional experience.

These professionals are appointed by the Court for the Defense of Free Competition, through a public competition process. Finally, their appointment is made by resolution of the Ministry of Energy.

c. Governance and Calculation of the Participation of Women in Boards of Directors

All companies under the scope of the CMF must comply its General Regulation and provide all necessary information and questionnaires requested by the CMF. This reporting requirement includes information on the breakdown of workers by gender and information on salary equity.

Thus, performance of KPI 3 is published in the annual Gender Indicator of Chilean Companies Report (Reporte de Indicadores de Género de las Empresas en Chile), based on the data provided by the companies to the CMF. The reporting process includes the participation of the International Labour Organization and the NGO Chile Mujeres to support the integrity of the data provided and to avoid errors through the collection and reporting process. The information is provided by individual companies and reviewed by the Chilean Financial Market Commission, with any incorrect information delivery being subject to legal penalties.

2022 | Ministerio de Hacienda