
4. Social Programs

The report considers the following social items, which are explained below:

1. Pension Support for Elderly People

The Pension Support for elderly people is a monthly support provided by the state, for people above 65 years with a pension below the Maximum Pension with Solidarity Support, that comply with the requisites of focalization and residence established in Law Nr. 20,255 (which created and established solidarity pensions).

2. Pension Support for People with Special Needs

The Pension Support for People with Special Needs is a monthly support provided by the state, for people between 18-65 years, with a pension lower than the Solidarity Pension for People with Special Needs and that comply with the requisites of focalization and residence established in Law Nr. 20,255.

3. Basic Pension for Elderly People

It is a monthly monetary Support, for people that do not receive pension, with 65 years or more, included in the poorest 60% of the population, according to the Social Registry of Households RSH (standardized tool to categorize the socioeconomic level of the population, in order to support the selection process for subsidies and social programs). They must have Chilean residence for a minimum of 20 years (accumulated), living in the country for at least four out of the five years before the support is requested.

4. Permanent Support for Families

This benefit seeks to improve the family income, in which the people with lower incomes suffer a financial disruption due to the higher expenditures they should incur on March of each year. These families receive a monetary support, oriented to cover these kind of expenditures. The payment is effected by the Social Security Institute (decentralized public entity) in a single payment effected on March of each year.
The benefit is received by low income people that comply with the requisites established in Law Nr 20,743. Thus, they are applicable to receive other benefits like the Family Subsidy or the Family Support. The benefit is also oriented to people or families that as of December 31 of the previous year were not receiving these kind of subsidies, but participated in other social plans, such as the Solidarity Chile system or the Security and Opportunities system.

5. Family Subsidy

It is a monthly monetary support, oriented to low income families, for each person below 18 years and for people with special needs of any age, as long as they depend economically of the beneficiary. This help is oriented to people that do not access to the Family Assignation support, because they are not dependent workers affiliated to a security system. It is paid through the Social Security Institute.
The beneficiaries are people pertaining to the poorest 60% of the population, according to the Social Registry of Households, that also take care of people complying with certain conditions. The condition are the following:

  • To be less than 8 years, attending health programs.
  • To be 6-18 years old, with regular studies in the primary, middle or superior education.
  • To be pregnant, which at least 5 months in that condition.
  • To be a person with special needs or mental disability.
  • To be a mother of children living under their care.

The salary of this people could not be equal or higher than the amount of the support.

6. Solidarity Fund for Housing

This program seeks to support families of the poorest quintile of the population that due to their economic and social condition, cannot afford a housing. Considering this, the program provides a subsidy oriented to finance the acquisition or construction of a house. The price of the house could not be higher than UF 800 (inflation linked unit). This program is implemented in all regions of the country.

7. Preferential Grant for Education

This program seeks to face the scarcity of resources in the case of students in situation of economic vulnerability, pertaining to public or semi public schools. It consists in a monetary support, which is implemented in all regions of the country.

8. Foods in Schools

This program seeks that students of institutions financed by the State, receive healthy and appropiate food. It also considers gluten free support for celiac students; food during the vacations period, provided to students that participate in recreational activities during that period, and the provision of food service to students that participates in additional activities in semi public schools.

9. Capitalization to the Fund for Small Enterprises (FOGAPE)

The portion considered as social expenditure corresponds to the capitalization made by the State to the Fund. This fund seeks to guarantee a percentage of the loans, leasing and other financial mechanisms that the financial institutions, both public and private, provide to SMEs
Banco Estado, supervised by the National Commission for the Financial Market, performs the management of the Fund.

10. Emergency Family Income

The Emergency Family Income corresponds to a transitory monetary transfer, benefiting people included in the National Registry of Households. The portion considered as social expenditure corresponds to that provided to people without formal incomes or with low incomes.

Between May and October 2020, there were six payments. Additionally, one additional payment was made during Christmas.

During the first quarter of 2021, the last period included in this report, the Emergency Family Income was available to the poorest 60% of the population, according to the National Registry of Households. The amount received depended on the mobility restrictions derived from the COVID-19.

2022 | Ministerio de Hacienda